20 May 2014

Mr Flor Healy, Consultant with the Inter Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC) met with LUNGOS representatives this morning. His visit coincides with an evaluation Mr Healy is conducting of the Regional Integration Support Mechanism (RISM) Rider (2012-1014). Mr Healy met with LUNGOS Soci-Economic Commissioner Mrs Rosemary Elisabeth, LUNGOS Project Manager and Communications & Membership Manager Ms Tessa Henderson.
The evaluation is being undertaken in line with the provisions of the RISM Rider, with the aim that a final evaluation of feasibility study be conducted to provide an overall independent assessment on the performance.
It is envisioned that the evaluation will provide key lessons and practical recommendations for follow-up actions, firstly for the remaining implementation period of the current RISM programme and also for the new RISM Consolidation programme (2014-2015), which is expected to be funded under the 10th European Development Fund.