Seychelles Civil Society will be active in Madagascar for the elections. Seychelles will be showing its solidarity with Madagascar Civil Society which has struggled to mediate peaceful resolutions to the political crisis. LUNGOS is a Board member of SADC CNGO and therefore its presence is crucial to exercise its support to the Madagascar Platform for NGOs. LUNGOS in conjunction with Citizens Democracy Watch Seychelles (CDWS) will be deploying 3 observers on the SADC CNGO platform. One observer will also join the Electoral Institute Of Southern Africa (EISA), a reputed organization working with elections.
LUNGOS received requests from the Electoral Commission for observers for Francophonie, SADC Secretariat and Indian Ocean Commission. LUNGOS has worked with CDWS to deploy observers for each of the organisations.
In total representation from the NGOs is seven qualified and experienced observers who will be representing Seychelles.