23 June 2014
The SIDS Conference will include six multi-stakeholder partnership dialogues, which are expected to provide an opportunity for a) Recognizing successful partnerships, b) Launching innovative and concrete partnerships, and c) Interactive and focused discussions on key priorities related to SIDS.
LUNGOS recently participated in several meetings to do with SIDS and MDGs.
Members of NGOS (2 per NGO) are invited to a presentation and discussion on the participation of LUNGOS in the SIDS regional and civil society conferences leading to the UN conference, programmed for SAMOA in September 2014.
Date:Wed 25th June 2014
Location: LUNGOS conference room, Orion Mall 209
Time: 3pm (be seated by 2:55pm)
Proposed Agenda:
- CSO and SIDS – Historical perspective (Dr Nirmal Shah/Mrs Marie-Nella Azemia )
- Participation in the recent AIMS conference in SAMOA (Mrs Michele Martin)
- What next? (Mrs Marie-Nella Azemia / Mr Steve Lalande)
We hope to see you there.