25 June 2014

As part of its activities to commemorate its 20th Anniversary this year, the National Consumers Forum – NATCOF organised a half day workshop for its members and partners under the theme “NATCOF: 20 years of Consumer protection and beyond.” NATCOF Chairperson, Mrs Raymond Course welcomed everyone and explain that this exercise is essential towards the growth of the NGO.
Dr Conrad Shamlaye, NATCOF member spoke of his experience as a past Executive Member and outlined why over the years the NGO has operated as it has done and how it has gone beyond its functions as an NGO.

Mr Roger Toussaint, the adviser in the Ministry of Finance, Trade and Investment briefed those present on the Seychelles Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programme (SEEREP).

Members and partners present then conducted group work and then shared their imputes in the plenary session that followed. The aim was to gather ideas on the current situation being faced by consumers and how NATCOF can tackle these issues and move forward.