As part of its 25th Anniversary Celebration, LUNGOS is organising a half day workshop for its members and partners, under the theme: “KI NOU PE FER POU SESEL?”
The aim of the workshop is to identify the role of Civil Society in the development of Seychelles for the past 25 years under the guidance of the “Liaison Unit of Non – Governmental Organisation Seychelles” (LUNGOS), and the way forward for the next 25 years under “Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles” (CEPS).
The half day workshop will take place on Wednesday 6th August 2014 AT 0830 Hrs to 1300 Hrs, At the STC Conference Room Latanier Road. Two participants from your NGO are being invited to attend.
Kindly confirm you participation by calling Mrs Agnielle Payet on 4325550 / 4325552 by Wednesday 30th of July.