Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles


Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles

The platform for civil society in Seychelles has finally been established

08 November 2014


CEPS Members - 2014 - Done
                           CEPS Management and members

The Citizens Engagement Platform Seychelles has officially been established following a general meeting on Saturday 08th of November. 35 out of 40 accredited members used their voting rights to appoint the new CEPS Board.

Mr Jules Hoareau of the association Light Amidst my Path (LAMP) was elected as CEPS Chairperson, Mr Jude Fred of the Everlasting Love Ministry, was voted as Vice Chairperson. Mr Steve Thelermont of the Yoga Association of Seychelles was elected as CEPS treasurer. Mrs Marie-Nella Azemia of the International Friendship League was elected as CEPS Secretary.

Commissioners were also elected at the general meeting and they are:
Mrs Monica Servina of the Seychelles Association of Woman Professionals (SAWOP) is the Gender, Rights & Governance Commissioner.

Mrs Christiane Vidot of the Seychelles Bible society is the Faith Based Commissioner

Dr Marie-Therese Purvis of the organisation Sustainability for Seychelles (S4S) is the Environment & Natural Resources Commissioner

Mrs Germaine Michaud of the organisation Entreprendre au Feminin Ocean Indien (EFOIS) Socio-Economic Commissioner

Mr Ronny Arnephy of the Hiv/Aids Support Organisation (HASO) is the Social, Health & Education Commissioner

Mr Wavel Woodcock of the Mixed Martial Arts Association is the Youth, Sports and Culture Commissioner

Mrs Elsia Sinon of the Nurses association Seychelles is the Professional’s Associations Commissioner.

CEPS Board - 2014 - Done
                              The CEPS Board

The Citizens Engagement Platform Seychelles is the platform for civil society in Seychelles. It currently has 45 accredited members – 40 full Members and 5 associate members. 

(All photos courtesy of Le Seychellois Hebdo)

The platform for civil society in Seychelles has finally been established
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