21st October 2015
The Citizens Engagement Platform Seychelles and its counterpart the Mauritius Council of Social Service (MACOSS) have cemented their partnership through a Memorandum of Understanding.
The M.O.U was signed in Mauritius on the 10th of October at a grand ceremony, as part of MACOSS’ 50th Anniversary of existence. CEPS was represented by CEPS Vice Chairperson Mr Jude Fred and Secretary to the CEPS Board, Mrs Marie-Nella Azemia. MACOSS Chairperson Mr Geerish Bucktowonsing signed on behalf of his organisation. Present at the event were MACOSS office bearers and member affiliates as well as the Mauritian Vice Prime Minister & Minister For Energy and Public Utilities – Hon Ivan Collendavelloo and Minister for Social Security, National Solidarity & Reform Institutions, Mrs Fazila Jeewa- Daureeawoo.
The M.O.U brings the two civil society bodies together so as to enable them to partner on common issues and implement related programmes in the Indian Ocean region. The agreement also permits member organisations of the two bodies to network with each other. It is also expected that on an annual basis, there are exchange programmes that are undertaken between MACOSS and CEPS.
The two parties have identified a need for conducting capacity building in the areas of leadership within their individual civil society platforms; therefore through the MOU both parties have agreed to support a Regional Civil Society Leadership Learning Centre.
MACOSS and LUNGOS have in the past maintained a networking relationship. With CEPS replacing LUNGOS and MACOSS developing an NGO policy, this agreement will allow experiences and best practices within the sectors to be shared, especially when it comes to the work currently being carried out by civil society organisations between the two countries.
Following the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda held this past September in New York, both the Seychelles and Mauritian platforms have identified that there is a need to promote and contribute towards sustainable development strategies. This will therefore be another area where there will be engagement between the two parties.
Also under this M.O.U, CEPS and MACOSS will develop resource mobilization strategies for the successful implementation of programmes under the agreement.
This MOU between is based on goodwill and mutual cooperation between MACOSS and CEPS. The MOU will be valid for a period of two years.
Talks between CEPS and MACOSS began in March of this year, during a visit to Seychelles by MACOSS representative Mr. Dana Chengen.
MACOSS is an umbrella organisation set up in 1965 to coordinate the activities of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Mauritius. From a social service coordinating body, MACOSS, developed as a Council of NGOs, dedicated to social services and sustainable social development. The Council was incorporated under Act 55 of 1970, thus providing the legal framework for its operation. This Act provides that the objects of MACOSS are to promote any charitable purposes for the benefit of the community in Mauritius, in particular the advancement of social education, furtherance of health, relief of poverty, distress and sickness and foster cooperation in the achievement of these purposes by bringing together representatives of voluntary organisations.