Even if it was not included in the original project it becomes an evidence to the project team that the drafting of a National Strategic Plan for the Civil Society will be in line with the “Needs Assessment” realized by the specialize consulting agency STEPS at the beginning of the project and a crucial asset to the strengthening of the Civil Society at the end of the Project .
The NSP will analyze the present situation of the Civil Society in Seychelles and based on the SWOT analysis and stakeholders consultation it will decide on the next 5 year vision, mission, objectives, activities that should be implemented by the Civil Society and the leading agency LUNGOS. As a member of the Civil Society you should be aware and your inspirations should be integrated in this historical process. So please to be part of it: review the proposals and e-mail us your comments by the 30th November at the following address: [email protected]
A two-day Validation Workshop will be held on 20th and 21st November, 2009 respectively at CARE House, Freedom Square. Relevant documents for downloads: