26 June 2014

NGO members yesterday attended a presentation on the participation of LUNGOS in the SIDS regional and civil society conferences leading to the UN conference ,programmed for SAMOA in September 2014. Michele Martin of the NGO Sustainability for Seychelles made a short presentation about the SIDS civil society conference she attended in Samoa in early June, and what it means for Seychelles. Ms Martin outline that the objectives of the two-‐day conference were to review the Zero Draft of the Outcome of the SIDS 2014 Conference and agree on key revisions and/or inputs as required; and to agree on common agendas and actions which can provide the basis for CSO partnerships post-‐Apia; Also at the conference, members present developed a strategy or Commonwealth CSO engagement with international, regional and national stakeholder linked to post.
LUNGOS CEO Steve Lalande also made a presentation and he outlined how civil society in Seychelles can be represented in the upcoming big conference in Samoa in August/September. Discussion that followed among members centered on of how we can all benefit.