30 July 2014
NGOs are being invited to attend a meeting on Monday 04th of August , 4.00pm at LUNGOS Conference Room,to discuss the Civil Society Manifestation taking place on the 23rd of August under the theme “Sustainability Development”.
2014 has been declared by the United Nations as the International Year of Small Island Developing States(SIDS). There will be a major UN Conference on (UNSIDS) this coming 1 – 4 September in Apia, Samoa, which a number of high level representatives of our Government will be attending. Given the importance of these events and the high priority for SIDS of which Seychelles is, the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (GEF SGP), has been mandated to support the process, particularly the participation of communities and CSOs, in the crafting the key statements and agreements that will be made in the UNSIDS Summit.
GEF In collaboration with LUNGOS which is also celebrating its 25th anniversary, we are regrouping civil society organization to join together in a manifestation at the freedom square.The venue has been chosen as ideal for such as activity as it is central to all bus services, town amenities, car parking facilities; secure with perimeter fencing and so safe for children;just opposite the new playground which will allow parents to move between the two places; and large enough to accommodate NGO and civil society groups.
This event will be a forefront to prepare for the participation of civil society in the Samoa conference. Theme: Sustainable Development Objective: Bring all CSOs in the Seychelles together for a fun day to
1. Raise the awareness of general public of what civil society organizations contribute to the ‘sustainable development’ of the Seychelles
2. Raise funds for their routine annual activities
3. Recruit new members for their individual organizations
4. Exposure
Venue/Time /Date: Saturday 23rd August 2014, at the Freedom Square from 9am to 6pm.
Mode of participation:
1. Exhibit of pass events (pictures/leaflet/posters)
2. Display and selling of products
3. Slide show
4. Demonstration/presentation
Note: There will be the opportunity for interested Civil Society organization to raise fund such as • Selling of burger • Soft drink • Popcorn • Candy floss
Please call Mrs Payet to confirm your participation on: 4325550