19 November 2015.
On the occasion of the International Men’s day of 19th November, on behalf of the Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles (CEPS), as the Commissioner for Gender, it gives me great pleasure to wish the men and boys in Seychelles a happy international Men’s Day.
On this day it is so right to celebrate Men’s achievements and contributions, in particular their contribution to the community, family, marriage and child care. CEPS acknowledge that gender concerns encompass men just as well as women. For this occasion CEPS has concentrated on an aspect in our society that men and boys lag behind, that is in health status.
You may be wondering what did CEPS do to commemorate this day. Well we had our members mobilise to concentrate on Men’s health. In collaboration with the Ministry of Health, GEM Plus has organised a health screening day in PUC, and ASFF has organised with the armed forces. Other health sessions targeting men are scheduled for the months to come.
It is the wish of CEPS Board that the ten years of life expectancy that separate men from that of women be reduced in the years to come.
Happy International Men’s Day.