In Seychelles and across the world, often times far from the public eye, numerous small Civil Society Organisations are engage at community and grassroots level to foster good living values, promote environment protection and sustainable living, help vulnerable and combat social ills.
These NGOs are required to face numerous constraints such as:
Inadequate operational resources
- Insufficient Financial Support
- Lack of political will
- Limited Human Resources / Expertise
- Lack of conducive working environment
- Unattractive salary
Whether a student, a professional, retired employee or a businessman you too; can be part of the team to building a more vital and vibrant Civil Society. We welcome you to explore some of the possibilities in which you can make a difference:
Promote an NGO through corporate sponsorship
Make a donation of materials, equipment, office space and office supplies
Become a Volunteer by giving your time and lending your skills and expertise
Engage yourself as a student or employee in projects
Support the cause of NGOs in various sectors of the society