Sample of All FAQs (Helpie FAQ)
- What is CEPS?The Citizens Engagement Platform of Seychelles (CEPS) is recognized as the national platform for NGOs in Seychelles. The platform is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), hence, legally registered as an association. It networks with over 72 civil society organizations (CSO) in the Seychelles.
- How does CEPS operate?At CEPS, we provide a collaborative and networking platform for CSOs in Seychelles, thus fulfilling our vision of; “Citizens are fully engaged in the development of Seychelles”. We are governed by a Board of Directors, we provide operational services through Secretariat staff and we provide support to the civil society through Thematic Commissions.
- What services does CEPS offer?
- Accreditation services.
- Civil Society database systems.
- Networking services.
- Technical advisory services
- Collaboration platform.
- How is CEPS funded?
We are non-profit association, with 3 main sources of funding. The government imparts an administrative grant, donors may fund some specific programs, of which NGOs are the principal beneficiaries and we collect funds from member subscriptions.
- How often is CEPS AGM?
We hold an AGM, once per year. The meeting is for accredited members of CEPS. Yet, if you are a non- member wishing to attend the meeting, you can make a request to the CEO and join as an observer.
- What are the benefits of being accredited to CEPS?
- Local and international networking
- Receiving various forms of pertinent, timely and opportunistic information,
- Receiving accreditation from a recognized organization,
- Various capacity building opportunities
- Working in collaboration with other organizations.
- CEPS is the focal point and recognized representative of CSOs operating in Seychelles. Being an accredited member of CEPS adds to your association’s legitimacy.
- Are there any obligations as an accredited member?
CEPS promotes high standards and benchmarks, which are essential for Civil Society. Members must annually provide a copy of their audited accounts, AGM minutes and list of members.
- What is required to renew membership?
This is an annual process with a processing fee of R300.
- In what circumstance is a membership suspended/deregistered?
If any membership fees are overdue for 12 months, the member shall be suspended. If payment is not made for 2 years or more, the member shall be deregistered.
- What are the necessary documents for renewal of membership?
- Certified copy of NGO constitution
- List of members (name, email, phone number)
- Copy of audited accounts
- Acknowledgement letter from the Office of the Registrar
- The CEPS Membership renewal fee of R300
- Who is allowed to vote at the AGM election?
All CSOs accredited to CEPS and having a good standing with its membership particulars can vote at the AGM.