Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles


Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles

Boards and committee members

Citizens Engagement Platform Seychelles 2024-2027

Position Name Phone Email Association
Chairperson Dr. Odile De Comarmond 2596862 [email protected] Seychelles Association of Retired Education Professionals (SAREP)
Vice Chairperson Mr. Michel Pierre 2516875 [email protected] Foresters Football Club
Secretary Mrs. Francoise Larue 2519442 [email protected] Survival Ark Foundation (SAF)
Treasurer Mrs. Marion Orphee 2604452 [email protected] Citizens Democracy Watch Seychelles (DCWS)
Ordinary Member Mrs. Beryl Dodin 2724168 [email protected] The Act of Kindness and Compassion Foundation
Ordinary Member Ms. Juliette Dine 2560335 [email protected] L’Entreprendre aux Féminin Océan Indien Seychelles (EFOI)
Ordinary Member Mr. Jean Claude Matombe 2526028 jeanclaudebm@ Association Seychelloise pour de la Jeunesse et l’Animation ASJA
 Ex Officio Member (CEO) Mr. Alvin Laurence 2723998 [email protected] CEPS Secretariat


Mrs. Eline Moses Chairperson 2526292 [email protected] Citizens Democracy Watch Seychelles
Mrs. Jourdanne Ernesta Member 2525368 [email protected] National Association For The Disable
Mrs. Merna Gill Member 2524643 [email protected] Women In Action Solidarity
Mrs. Marie Nella Azemia Member 2711771 [email protected] International Friendship League (IFL)
Mr. Charles Zialor Member 2717677 [email protected] Seychelles Fathers Association
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