The Citizens Engagement Platform Seychelles (CEPS) signed a memorandum ofUnderstanding (MOU) on 10 th October 2015 with the Mauritius Council of Social Services (MACOSS), with the objectives of sharing experiences and facilitation of mutual organisation development at regional level. Additionally, CEPS is proposing a project for the development of a civil society regional Indian Ocean platform or ‘Regional Block’ which is to include that of Mauritius, Rodrigues, Madagascar, and Comoros island.
Objectives of the regional civil society Platform
The growing strength of civil society actors in the development arena, bring new challenges. This creates the need for a coordinated approach and alliances for sustainable and equitable development.
In order to promote the role of the key civil society actors in regional integration, it is important that various associations, networks and strategic alliances are established and modalities of collaboration and participation are designed to enable the various actors. Through these networks, information are exchanged. By preparing for the regional platform, the individual members are able to review their current structure in line with the proposed platform. If required, they will be in a better position to form part of the integration process.
To that effect, there is a need to develop a regional civil society mechanism (platform) to facilitate active participation, joint programs and coordination to achieve required results and impacts.