Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles


Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles

Renewal of Membership and Documents

Renewal of Membership

  1. Membership shall be renewed annually
  2. The membership Cycle is one year- April – April
  3. Membership fees of Rs300
  4. If any membership fees are overdue for 12 months, the member shall be suspended.
  5. More than 2 years, the member shall be deregistered

Documents that should be submitted when renewing CEPS membership includes

  1. Certified copy of Constitution (if it has been amended after NGO became accredited to CEPS)
  2. List of Members (Name, Email, Phone Contact )
  3. Minutes of last AGM
  4. Copy of Audited accounts
  5. Acknowledgment letter from the office of Registrar
  6. The CEPS Membership renewal fee is SR 300
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